报告题目:Research and Development Trends to improve both Fuel Economy and Exhaust Emissions for Eco-friendly Powertrains
联系人:刘海峰 邮箱:haifengliu@tju.edu.cn ; 手机:13920692042
Ulrich Spicher教授
Dr-Ing. Ulrich Spicher教授1969年毕业于德国University for Applied Science Lippe获学士学位,1975年毕业于德国亚琛工业大学,获硕士学位,1982年毕业亚琛工业大学获工学博士学位。曾任德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学活塞机械研究所所长,教授。
Dr-Ing. Ulrich Spicher教授研究领域包括:内燃机燃烧和有害排放生成机理,内燃机燃烧燃烧新技术,汽油机缸内直喷,缸内流动可视技术,火焰传播过程,燃油喷射及雾化混合气形成,可变气门定时,内燃机有害排放后处理技术,均质压燃HCCI燃烧理论,内燃机工作过程的数值模拟。Dr-Ing. Ulrich Spicher教授已经培养70余名博士毕业,出版学术专著8部,在国际刊物上发表学术论文100余篇。
The internal combustion engine has attained a considerable level of sophistication since its invention about 150 years ago and still represents the spark ignited engine worldwide the predominant propulsion in passenger cars today, while the compression ignition engine represents the dominant powertrain in Europe.
Nevertheless there is a high potential for further improvements considering thermal efficiency and engine-out emissions for both engine configurations. The first part of the presentation provides a review of current and future emission regulations for passenger cars. In particular the discrepancy between current statutory emission standards and real driving emissions is highlighted. The second part of the presentation is dedicated to the general requirements for individual mobility and recent strategies for engine efficiency optimization as well as measures to reduce exhaust emissions. In particular the most promising methods to improve fuel consumption are discussed, i.e. optimization of the combustion process, downsizing with boosting, gas exchange strategies, direct fuel injection, etc. All these measures will be discussed in correlation with fuel economy improvement and exhaust emissions reduction for both engine types, the spark ignited (SI - Otto) engine as well as the compression ignition (CI – Diesel) engine. Special issues in SI engines like low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI) as well as the occurrence of exhaust emissions (particulates and nitrogen oxides) in both SI engines and CI engines and the reduction of these emissions by optimization of in-cylinder processes and with exhaust gas after treatment systems will be discussed more in detail.
Finally, the presentation concludes with a detailed review on challenges for future developments, i.e. sustainable fuels for future mobility. Additionally, an evaluation of system efficiency as well as systems costs of the different powertrains for light duty vehicles at real driving conditions and customer demands will be executed. In these comparisons new powertrains like Hybrids and Plug-In Hybrids as well as Battery Electric Vehicles and Fuel Cells will also be considered.