题目:How the Dissipation Scaling Impacts on the Turbulent/Non-Turbulent Interface?
时 间:1月17日,星期三, 上午10:30-12:00
地 点:天津大学北洋园校区 37号楼北区214
周毅博士, 2015年3月获得名古屋大学博士学位。 2015年起在英国帝国理工从事博士后研究工作; 2017年起在南京理工大学能源与动力工程学院参加工作。 周毅博士主要从事湍流理论、 计算流体力学, 高性能数值计算等方面的研究。 已在高水准的国际知名学术期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics、 Physics of Fluids等上发表多篇高质量的论文。
The scalings of the local entrainment velocity of the turbulent/nonturbulent interface and of the turbulence dissipation rate are closely related to each other in an axisymmetric and self-similar turbulent wake. The turbulence dissipation scaling implied by the Kolmogorov equilibrium cascade phenomenology is consistent with a Kolmogorov scaling of the local entrainment velocity whereas the non-equilibrium dissipation scaling reported for various turbulent flows in Vassilicos (Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., vol. 47, 2015, pp. 95–114) is consistent with a different scaling. We present results from a direct numerical simulation of a spatially developing axisymmetric and self-similar turbulent wake which supports this conclusion and the assumptions that it is based on. The research direction, which should be pursued in future works, is also introduced