1. Pan,Jiaying*; Yi, Ding; Wang, Lei; Liang, Wenkai; Shu, Gequn; Wei, Haiqiao*.Understanding multi-regime detonation development for hydrogen and syngasfuels. Physics of Fluids. 2023.
2. Pan,Jiaying; Wang, Lei; He, Yu; Wei, Haiqiao*; Shu, Gequn; Li, Tao. Hotspotauto-ignition induced detonation development: emphasis on energy density andchemical reactivity. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2022, 26: 179-200.
3. Wang,Xiaowen; Pan, Jiaying*; Wei, Haiqiao*; Li, Wenjia; Zhao, Jun; Hu, Zhen.Mechanism of Methanol Synthesis from CO2 Hydrogenation over Pt8/In2O3Catalysts: A Combined Study on Density Functional Theory and MicrokineticModeling. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2022, 126: 1761-1769.
4. Tang,Ruoyue; Xu, Qiang; Pan, Jiaying*; Gao, Jian; Wang, Zhandong*; Wei, Haiqiao;Shu, Gequn. An experimental and modeling study of ammonia oxidation in a jetstirred reactor. Combustion and Flame. 2022, 240: 112007.
5. Pan,Jiaying; He, Yu; Wang, Lei; Li, Tao; Wei, Haiqiao*; Shu, Gequn. Effects ofthermal stratification and turbulent intensity on auto-ignition and combustionmode transition. Combustion and Flame. 2022, 244: 112273.
6. Pan,Jiaying*; Tang, Ruoyue; Wang, Zhandong; Gao, Jian; Xu, Qiang; Shu, Gequn; Wei,Haiqiao*. An experimental and modeling study on the oxidation of ammonia andn-heptane with JSR. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2022.
7. Pan,Jiaying; Wang, Lei; Liang, Wenkai; Law, Chung K; Wei, Haiqiao*; Shu, Gequn.Multi-regime reaction front and detonation initiation by temperatureinhomogeneity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2022.
8. Pan,Jiaying*; Zheng, Zeyuan; Wei, Haiqiao*; Pan, Mingzhang; Shu, Gequn; Liang,Xingyu. An experimental investigation on pre-ignition phenomena: Emphasis onthe role of turbulence. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2021, 38:5801-5810.
9. Wang,Xiaowen; Pan, Jiaying; Wei, Haiqiao*; Li, Wenjia; Zhao, Jun; Hu, Zhen. CO 2activation and dissociation on In 2 O 3 (110) supported Pd n Pt (4−n)(n= 0–4)catalysts: a density functional theory study. Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics. 2021, 23: 11557-11567.
10. Pan,Jiaying; Chen, Lin; Wei, Haiqiao*; Feng, Dengquan; Deng, Sili; Shu, Gequn. Onautoignition mode under variable thermodynamic state of internal combustionengines. International Journal of Engine Research. 2020, 21: 856-865.
11. Li,Tao; Pan, Jiaying; Kong, Fanfu; Xu, Baopeng; Wang, Xiaohan*. A quasi-directnumerical simulation solver for compressible reacting flows. Computers &Fluids. 2020, 213: 104718.
12. Pan,Jiaying; Hu, Zhen; Wei, Haiqiao*; Pan, Mingzhang; Liang, Xingyu; Shu, Gequn;Zhou, Lei. Understanding strong knocking mechanism through high-strengthoptical rapid compression machines. Combustion and Flame. 2019, 202: 1-15.
13. Pan,Jiaying; Dong, Sheng; Wei, Haiqiao*; Li, Tao; Shu, Gequn; Zhou, Lei.Temperature gradient induced detonation development inside and outside ahotspot for different fuels. Combustion and Flame. 2019, 205: 269-277.
14. Pan,Jiaying; Wei, Haiqiao*; Shu, Gequn; Chen, Rui. Effect of pressure wavedisturbance on auto-ignition mode transition and knocking intensity underenclosed conditions. Combustion and Flame. 2017, 185: 63-74.
15. Pan,Jiaying; Wei, Haiqiao*; Shu, Gequn; Pan, Mingzhang; Feng, Dengquan; Li, Nan.LES analysis for auto-ignition induced abnormal combustion based on a downsizedSI engine. Applied Energy. 2017, 191: 183-192
16. Pan,Jiaying; Wei, Haiqiao*; Shu, Gequn; Chen, Zheng; Zhao, Peng*. The role of lowtemperature chemistry in combustion mode development under elevated pressures.Combustion and Flame. 2016, 174: 179-193.
17. Pan,Jiaying; Shu, Gequn; Zhao, Peng; Wei, Haiqiao*; Chen, Zheng. Interactions offlame propagation, auto-ignition and pressure wave during knocking combustion.Combustion and Flame. 2016, 164: 319-328.
18. Pan,Jiaying; Zhao, Peng*; Law, Chung K; Wei, Haiqiao. A predictive Livengood–Wucorrelation for two-stage ignition. International Journal of Engine Research.2016, 17: 825-835.
1. 杨鹏晖; 张少栋; 张韧; 李金光; 李卫; 潘家营*; 卫海桥; 基于光学发动机的 PODE 燃烧特性试验研究, 天津大学学报, 2022(007): 005.
2. 卫海桥; 王楠; 李卫; 贾德民; 李金光; 杨鹏晖; 潘家营*; 进气道喷射氢发动机燃烧及爆震特性试验研究, 天津大学学报, 2022, 55(12): 7.
3. 卫海桥; 张福强; 张少栋; 李宪宇; 李卫; 潘家营*; 辛烷值敏感性对 GCI 发动机低负荷稳定性的影响, 天津大学学报, 2022(008): 055.
4. 李宪宇; 潘家营*; 刘峰; 卫海桥; 刘昌文; 舒歌群; 焰前放热对 GCI 发动机燃烧性能的影响, 内燃机学报, 2021, 39(6):481-487.
5. 卫海桥; 裴自刚; 冯登全; 潘家营*; 潘明章; 压电喷油器多次喷射对 GDI 汽油机颗粒物排放的影响, 吉林大学学报, 2018, 48(1):166-173.
6. 韩峰; 李卫; 潘洁; 胡祯; 潘家营*; 卫海桥; 湍流对着火模式影响的可视化试验, 内燃机学报, 2021, 39(5):417-423.
7. MaGuobin; Liu Changwen; Pan Jiaying*; Wei Haiqiao; Shang Yibao; 负温度梯度对预混气体反应波传播模态的影响, 内燃机学报, 2020, 38(3):234-240.
8. 卫海桥; 李楠; 潘家营*; 华剑雄; 甲醇和甲醇重整气对直喷汽油机性能影响的对比研究, 内燃机工程, 2018, 39(1):15-22.
9. 卫海桥; 蔡霁蕾; 商艺宝; 舒歌群; 潘家营*; 快速压缩机缸内温度不均匀性及其对自燃的影响, 天津大学学报, 2017, 50(5):551-556.
10. 舒歌群; 潘家营; 卫海桥*; 史宁; 基于缸内压力振荡的冷 EGR 对汽油机爆震特性的影响, 天津大学学报, 2014, 47(6):551-557.
2. 潘家营; 万思萌; 卫海桥; 王磊; 舒歌群; 梁兴雨; 唐若月; 面向可再生储氢燃料的发动机燃烧系统,2020-08-31, 中国,ZL202010900748.2.(授权)
3. 潘家营; 杨鹏晖; 卫海桥; 王祥庭; 舒歌群; 一种预防燃油热氧化结焦问题的燃料预混装置,2022-06-07,中国, ZL202010409238.5.(授权)
4. 潘家营; 张泽; 卫海桥; 舒歌群; 刘昌文; 胡祯; 一种用于快压机制动活塞的密封装置, 2020-10-27, 中国, ZL201810962943.0.(授权)
5. 潘家营; 王磊; 卫海桥; 舒歌群; 刘昌文; 马国斌; 基于快速压缩机电磁制动系统的控制方法, 2020-02-07,中国, ZL201810922489.6.(授权)
6. 潘家营; 王磊; 卫海桥; 舒歌群; 刘昌文; 马国斌; 一种用于快速压缩机的电磁制动系统, 2020-02-07, 中国, ZL201810922488.1.(授权)
7. 潘家营; 王磊; 卫海桥; 舒歌群; 刘昌文; 何昱; 一种基于电磁控制的小型快速压缩机, 2019-11-01, 中国, ZL201911062038.0.(授权)
8. 潘家营; 杨鹏晖; 卫海桥; 王祥庭; 舒歌群; 一种改善热氧化结焦问题的车载废气柴油重整器,2020-05-14, 中国,ZL202010408250.4.(授权)
9. 卫海桥; 杨鹏晖; 潘家营; 王祥庭; 舒歌群; 一种预防热氧化结焦问题的车载废气柴油重整器,2020-05-14, 中国,ZL202010408233.0.(授权)
10.王志坚; 潘家营; 吕顺; 李卫; 一种用于燃气发动机的自适应燃气成分的控制方法;2021-08-19, 中国,ZL202110951836.X.(授权)