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[2] Tao Chen ; Hui Xie ; Le Li; Lianfang Zhang; Xinyan Wang; Hua Zhao,Methods to achieve HCCI/CAI combustion at idle operation in a 4VVAS gasoline engine , Applied Energy, 2014.3.1, 116: 41~51
[3] Xie, Hui ; Lu, Jun; ; Li, Le; Li, Cheng; Zhao, Hua,Chen, Tao CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF THE INCOMPLETE-OXIDATION PRODUCTS IN RESIDUAL GAS ON THE GASOLINE HCCI AUTO-IGNITION , Combustion Science and Technology, 2014.2.21, 186(3):273~296
[4] Xie, Hui ; Xu, Kang; Wan, Minggang; Chen, Tao; Zhao, Hua,Investigations into the influence of internal and external exhaust gas recirculation on the combustion stability in an optical gasoline spark ignition engine , Procee dings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2015.9, 229(11): 1514~1528
[5] Xinyan Wang ; Hui Xie ; Le Li; Liyan Xie; Tao Chen; Hua Zhao, Effect of the thermal stratification on SI–CAI hybrid combustion in a gasoline engine , Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013.11.3, 61(2): 451~460
[6] Wang, Xinyan; Xie, Hui ; Xie, Liyan; Zhang, Lianfang; Li, Le; Chen,Tao; Zhao, Hua, Numerical simulation and validation of SI-CAI hybridcombustion in a CAI/HCCI gasoline engine , COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING, 20 13.2.1, 17(1): 142~166
[7] Tao Chen, Hui Xie, Hongtao Li, and Xueqing Fu, Experimental Comparison between Stratified Flame Ignition and Micro Flame Ignition in a Gasoline SI-CAI Hybrid Combustion Engine, SAE World Congress, 2017-01-0737
[8] Chen, Tao ; Xie, Hui; Li, Le; Yu, Weifei; Zhang, Lianfang; Zhao, Hua, Expanding the low load limit of HCCI combustion process using EIVO strategy in a 4VVAS gasoline engine , SAE 2012-01-1211
[9] Chen, Tao ; Xie, Hui; Li, Le; Yu, Weifei; Li, Zhihua; Zhao, Hua,Continuous load adjustment strategy of a gasoline HCCI-SI engine fully controlled by exhaust gas , SAE 2011-01-1408 |