主要学术经历: 1985.07-1985.09 四川省内河勘察规划设计院,助理工程师
1987.07-1988.12 天津内燃机研究所,助理工程师
1988.12-2002.02 天津大学热能工程系内燃机教研室-天津大学机械工程学院汽车工程系-天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室;历任讲师(1990.05)、副教授(1993.11)、教授(1998.11)、博士生导师(2001.7)
2004.08-2008.12 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室主任
主要研究方向: 1. 内燃机噪声、振动控制
2. 内燃机余热能转化及利用
3. 内燃机工作过程优化
主要讲授课程: 1. 现代控制理论(博士研究生)
2. 动力机械振动噪声(硕士研究生)
3. 现代内燃机设计(硕士研究生)
4. 内燃机设计及优化(本科生)
主要学术兼职: 1.国务院学位委员会学科评议组动力工程及工程热物理组成员
7.《天津大学学报》、《Transactions of Tianjin University》副主编、《内燃机学报》、《燃烧科学与技术》等杂志编委
主要学术成就、奖励及荣誉: 2010年,享受政府特殊津贴。
主要科研项目及角色: 1.国家重点基础研究计划(973):高效、节能、低碳内燃机余热能梯级利用基础研究,2011-2015,首席科学家
3.国家863计划,奇瑞汽车:轿车直喷汽油机(GDI) 技术开发,2007-2010,项目负责人
8.教育部博士点基金 基于燃烧室热声耦合机理的内燃机燃烧过程模拟研究,2005-2007,项目负责人
代表性论著: 1. Tian, Hua; Shu, Gequn; Wei, Haiqiao; Liang, Xingyu; Liu, Lina; Fluids and parameters optimization for the organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) used in exhaust heat recovery of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), Energy, v 47, n 1, p 125-136, November 2012
2. Dong, Lihui; Shu, Gequn; Liang, Xingyu; Wang, Yuesen; Liu, Lina; Effect of lubricating oil additives on particle size distribution and total number concentration in diesel engine, Lubrication Science, v 24, n 7, p 325-338, November 2012
3. Dong, Lihui; Shu, Gequn; Liang, Xingyu; Effect of lubricating oil on the particle size distribution and total number concentration in a diesel engine, Fuel Processing Technology, 2012
4. Wang, Tianyou; Zhang, Yajun; Zhang, Jie; Shu, Gequn; Peng, Zhijun; Analysis of recoverable exhaust energy from a light-duty gasoline engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012
5. Wei, Haiqiao; Zhu, Tianyu; Shu, Gequn; Gasoline engine exhaust gas recirculation - A review, Applied Energy, V 99, 534-544, NOV 2012
6. Shu, Gequn; Zhao, Jian; Tian, Hua; Parametric and exergetic analysis of waste heat recovery system based on thermoelectric generator and organic rankine cycle utilizing R123, Energy, V45 No1, 806-816, SEP 2012
7. Shu, Gequn; Dong, Lihui; Liang, Xingyu, A review of experimental studies on deposits in the combustion chambers of internal combustion engines, International Journal of Engine Research, V13 No4, 357-369, AUG 2012
8. Wei, H.; Li, Z.; Liang, X.; Shu, G.; Influence of the accelerating operation mechanism on the combustion noise in DI-diesel engines, International Journal of Automotive Technology, v13, n3, p 373-388, April 2012
9. Wei, Haiqiao; Wei, Jingsi; Shu, Gequn, The pressure wave equation in KIVA during combustion process of internal combustion engine, International Journal of Vehicle Design, V.59 No.4, 289-304, 2012
10. Sun, Lixing; Shu, Gequn, Computational Simulation Analysis for Dynamics of Multibody System Coupled with Flexible Deformation of Valve Train, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, V.88 No.9B, 166-171, 2012
11. Wang, Tianyou; Zhang, Yajun; Peng, Zhijun; Shu Gequn; A review of researches on thermal exhaust heat recovery with Rankine cycle, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviws, V.15 No.6, 2862-2871, AUG 2011
12. Shu, G.; Dong, L.; Liang, X.; A study on the influence of cylinder liner distortion on piston ring kinetic characteristic and lubricating oil consumption, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology, V.225 No.J5, 255-262, MAY 2011
13. Wei, Haiqiao; Shu, Gequn; Wei, Jingsi; Acoustic calculation of combustion process in internal combustion engine based on wave equation, International Journal of Engineering Systems Modeling and Simulation, v 3, n 3-4, p 112-125, November 2011
14. Liang, Xingyu; Shu, Gequn; Investigation on axial vibration of high-speed vehicle engine crankshaft based on Rayleigh differential method, International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, v 4, n 3, p 205-219, 2008
15.舒歌群,高文志,刘月辉,动力机械振动与噪声,天津大学出版社,2008年8月 |